• L’immeuble, d’usage résidentiel, sera le premier développement immobilier greenfield d’une résidence de coliving en Espagne et ouvrira ses portes en 2023 
  • Urban Campus se développe ainsi à Valence (3e ville espagnole), avec une résidence composée de 41 studios 

Urban Campus Valencia Coliving

Madrid, 16 février 2022 – Urban Campus, a national leader in the management of coliving buildings, launches its first greenfield project in Spain in collaboration with both Batipart (investor) and WHITE Investing RE (developer). With this opening, Urban Campus expands geographically outside Madrid and strategically enters the greenfield buildings sector. This new coliving will be located in Valencia, in the up and coming neighbourhood of Ayora, where construction has already started. It will house 41 studios and more than 200 m2 .

Urban Campus, together with the investor and the developer, are in charge of the project conceptualisation phase, as well as the interior design. Once open, Urban Campus will be in charge of operating the building under a management contract.

Le gestionnaire français a participé dans les phases de conception et design du projet avec l’investisseur et le promoteur. Une fois ouvert, Urban Campus sera en charge de la gestion de la résidence, à travers un mandat de gestion2 to 8,000 m2 in cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Malaga, Alicante, Seville, Murcia, Palma de Mallorca, Bilbao, etc.

Cette ouverture confirme le leadership d’Urban Campus en Espagne, et s’inscrit dans le plan de développement dont les prochaines ouvertures auront lieu en 2022 en France et en Espagne.

Casilda Mulliez, Expansion Director at Urban Campus in Spain and Portugal is quoted: “The commitment towards geographical diversification and the development of our model in a new building is the next logical step in Urban Campus? expansion. Thanks to our knowledge of operationally active coliving buildings, Urban Campus has proven to be capable of advising from day one on the design of the buildings and the optimisation of the spaces.”

At Batipart, Martin Fauchille, Director of Acquisitions Spain and Portugal, “We are delighted to carry out this first transaction in Valencia, hand in hand with Urban Campus. Through our alliance we want to promote this residential coliving model in Spain?s main cities.”

“For WHITE Investing RE this is a special project, as it is the first licensed coliving project to be launched in Spain, additionally in collaboration with an investor such as Batipart, and a leading coliving operator in the market such as Urban Campus, which consolidates us as a reference point as an asset provider at an institutional level”, Jose Solero CEO WHITE Investing RE.



La nouvelle résidence de coliving Urban Campus à Valence, à proximité de la station de métro Ayora, est une promotion immobilière résidentielle, qui comptera 41 studios individuels, équipés et meublés. La résidence disposera également de plus de 200m2 de parties communes (salle de sport, espaces de travail, salle de cinéma, cuisine communautaire avec salle à manger et salon, buanderie) et un rooftop aménagé (barbecue, douches, chill-out, etc.).Le produit résidentiel proposera toutes les commodités recherchées par le public visé : jeunes professionnels de 25 à 45 ans qui cherchent à profiter de l’intimité de leur partie privative tout en ayant accès à des parties communes avec une communauté internationale et des possibilités de networking au sein du même immeuble. 

Urban Campus propose des solutions d’hébergement à partir de trois mois, réservables en ligne à travers d’une application développée en interne. Cet outil technologique permet également la participation aux événements hebdomadaires, la prise de contact entre membres de la communauté et l’accès à une offre de services.

Le gestionnaire qui accorde une importance particulière à son empreinte écologique, cherchera à obtenir une certification environnementale.



Fondé à Paris en 2016 par John van Oost et Maxime Armand, Urban Campus est l’un des leaders du coliving en Europe. La société exploite 5 résidences en Espagne et compte ouvrir 30 résidences supplémentaires en Europe à horizon 2025, notamment en Espagne, en France, au Portugal et en Italie. Urban Campus accompagne des projets immobiliers de coliving dès leur conception, et les exploite ensuite grâce à des mandats de gestion de longue durée. Urban Campus développe ses propres technologies de smart building et ses propres applications d’interface avec les résidents, ce qui permet une cohérence réelle de son concept tout au long de la création et de l’exploitation.



Groupe familial fondé par Charles Ruggieri en 1988, Batipart investit et développe des projets dans les secteurs de l’immobilier, de l’hôtellerie et du tourisme en Europe, en Afrique et en Amérique du Nord. En Europe, le groupe Batipart est présent dans 7 pays – Allemagne, Espagne, France, Italie, Portugal, Suisse et le Luxembourg au travers de ses bureaux situés à Luxembourg, Paris, Toulouse, Madrid et Milan. Ses actifs européens représentent 4 Mds € sous gestion. En Afrique, Batipart est opérateur et investisseur hôtelier, avec plus d’une vingtaine d’hôtels détenus et gérés, représentant plus de 700 employés sur l’ensemble du continent africain. En Amérique du Nord, Batipart est investisseur et opérateur immobilier au Canada et aux Etats-Unis en partenariat et au travers de Cogir Immobilier avec environ 4,5 Mds € d’actifs sous gestion.



Pour plus d’informations :

Casilda Mulliez

+34 636 484 866



Other sources:

– El Economista – Urban Campus abre el primer ‘coliving’ de obra nueva de España

– EjePrime – Batipart promoverá un ?coliving? con 41 estudios en Valencia

– Idealista – Urban Campus y Batipart promoverán un ?coliving? con 41 estudios en Valencia

– Xm2 – Urban Campus abre el primer coliving de obra nueva de España de la mano de Batipart y WHITE Investing RE

– Business Immo – Urban Campus va développer la première résidence de coliving en Vefa d?Espagne

– Le Courrier d’Espagne – Urban Campus et Batipart vont promouvoir un coliving avec 41 studios à Valence

– Brainre.news – White Investing vende a Batipart el primer ?coliving? de obra nueva de Valencia

– Valencia Plaza – Urban Campus abrirá en València su primer coliving de obra nueva de España

– El inmobiliario mes a mes – Urban Campus abrirá el primer coliving de obra nueva de España con Batipart y White Investing RE

– Interempresas – White Investing desarrolla el primer coliving de obra nueva de València

– El Periódico de Aquí – White Investing desarrolla el primer coliving de obra nueva de València

Urban Campus Valencia Coliving

Madrid, 16th February 2022 – Urban Campus, a national leader in the management of coliving buildings, launches its first greenfield project in Spain in collaboration with both Batipart (investor) and WHITE Investing RE (developer). With this opening, Urban Campus expands geographically outside Madrid and strategically enters the greenfield buildings sector. This new coliving will be located in Valencia, in the up and coming neighbourhood of Ayora, where construction has already started. It will house 41 studios and more than 200 m2 of communal areas.

Urban Campus, together with the investor and the developer, are in charge of the project conceptualisation phase, as well as the interior design. Once open, Urban Campus will be in charge of operating the building under a management contract.

This opening strengthens Urban Campus’ leadership position in Spain, seeking to promote this residential coliving model in Spain’s main cities. To achieve this objective, it is actively seeking opportunities for land and/or residential assets to enter into agreements with developers (as it has done with WHITE Investing RE) and investors for the development and/or refurbishment of buildings. Urban Campus is currently interested in developing residential buildings ranging from 2,000 m2 to 8,000 m2 in cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Malaga, Alicante, Seville, Murcia, Palma de Mallorca, Bilbao, etc.

After its launch in 2016 in Paris and its arrival in Spain in 2017, following a positive reception of its first three projects in the capital, Urban Campus kicks off its expansion in Spain and continues its growth in Europe. After this opening, it will continue its expansion, with the aim of opening 30 buildings in the next 5 years.

Casilda Mulliez, Expansion Director at Urban Campus in Spain and Portugal is quoted: “The commitment towards geographical diversification and the development of our model in a new building is the next logical step in Urban Campus’ expansion. Thanks to our knowledge of operationally active coliving buildings, Urban Campus has proven to be capable of advising from day one on the design of the buildings and the optimisation of the spaces.”

At Batipart, Martin Fauchille, Director of Acquisitions Spain and Portugal, “We are delighted to carry out this first transaction in Valencia, hand in hand with Urban Campus. Through our alliance we want to promote this residential coliving model in Spain’s main cities.”

“For WHITE Investing RE this is a special project, as it is the first licensed coliving project to be launched in Spain, additionally in collaboration with an investor such as Batipart, and a leading coliving operator in the market such as Urban Campus, which consolidates us as a reference point as an asset provider at an institutional level”, Jose Solero CEO WHITE Investing RE.


Urban Campus Ayora, Valencia Coliving

The new Urban Campus project in the city of Valencia is a coliving residential development that will have 41 fully furnished and equipped individual studios, and more than 200 m2 of common areas: gym, coworking, cinema room, shared kitchen with dining and lounge area, laundry area and, on the rooftop, a barbeque, showers and a chill-out zone. In short, a property that offers all the amenities for professionals looking to enjoy private areas, but also have access to an international community as well as networking opportunities in the same building. 

Urban Campus offers an all-inclusive lease starting from three months, with online bookings and an app developed internally which offers access to weekly events and connectivity between all members of the community, as well as the possibility to hire additional services. This innovative residential model that Urban Campus puts on the market is aimed at professionals between 25 and 45 years of age who are looking for the convenience of a rental with all services included. A more complete alternative to traditional leasing.

Furthermore, in its objective of promoting sustainable projects, the Urban Campus Ayora project will try to obtain the best environmental qualification.

During the third quarter of 2023, the first building’s tenants will be welcomed.


About Urban Campus

Founded in 2016, Urban Campus is the first operator of coliving buildings. With its innovative model, it is redefining the residential housing rules in major European cities by offering coliving and coworking spaces adapted to new lifestyles. With its own DNA, based on meeting the new residential needs of young professionals in major cities, it offers quality buildings, creates community and provides a new residential experience.


About Batipart

A family-owned group founded by Charles Ruggieri in 1988, Batipart invests and develops projects in the real estate, hotel and tourism sectors in Europe, Africa and North America. In Europe, the Batipart Group is present in seven countries: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland and Luxembourg through its offices in Luxembourg, Paris, Toulouse, Madrid and Milan. Its European assets represent 4 billion euros under management.


About WHITE Investing RE

Specialised company in capital management through real estate assets and projects.


For further information and interviews:

Marta Torres Vilas

+34 636 484 866



Other sources:

– El Economista – Urban Campus abre el primer ‘coliving’ de obra nueva de España

– EjePrime – Batipart promoverá un ‘coliving’ con 41 estudios en Valencia

– Idealista – Urban Campus y Batipart promoverán un ‘coliving’ con 41 estudios en Valencia

– Xm2 – Urban Campus abre el primer coliving de obra nueva de España de la mano de Batipart y WHITE Investing RE

– Business Immo – Urban Campus va développer la première résidence de coliving en Vefa d’Espagne

– Le Courrier d’Espagne – Urban Campus et Batipart vont promouvoir un coliving avec 41 studios à Valence

– Brainre.news – White Investing vende a Batipart el primer ‘coliving’ de obra nueva de Valencia

– Valencia Plaza – Urban Campus abrirá en València su primer coliving de obra nueva de España

– El inmobiliario mes a mes – Urban Campus abrirá el primer coliving de obra nueva de España con Batipart y White Investing RE

– Interempresas – White Investing desarrolla el primer coliving de obra nueva de València

– El Periódico de Aquí – White Investing desarrolla el primer coliving de obra nueva de València


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Marta is our Marketing & Comms Manager. She is in charge of creating our Marketing and Communication Strategy to make sure the entire world knows about our great Brand. Before joining Urban Campus, Marta has worked as Marketing Manager for different well known companies like trivago or the NH Hotel Group.

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