¿Alguna vez te has preguntado las diferencias entre Colivings Urbanos 🏢 y Rurales 🏔 ?

En este episodio del Co-Liv podcast, nuestra Head of operations Iberia, Ana Martínez de Lizarrondo Asurmendi y Edo Sadikovi de Sende hablan sobre las principales diferencias y cómo los dos modelos se han adaptado a la pandemia del Covid. Organizado por los embajadores en España de Co-Liv. Ambassadors in Spain:

¿Te parece interesante? Escucha el podcast entero aquí. (In Spanish).

Urban Vs Rural Coliving Co-liv podcast

Ever wondered what the main differences between Urban 🏢  and Rural 🏔  Colivings are?

In this episode of the Co-Liv podcast, our Head of Operations Iberia, Ana Martínez de Lizarrondo Asurmendi and Edo Sadiković from Sende discussed the main differences and how both models adapted to the Co-vid pandemic, hosted by Co-Liv Ambassadors in Spain:

Sounds interesting? listen to the full podcast (In Spanish).

Urban Vs Rural Coliving Co-liv podcast


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Marta is our Marketing & Comms Manager. She is in charge of creating our Marketing and Communication Strategy to make sure the entire world knows about our great Brand. Before joining Urban Campus, Marta has worked as Marketing Manager for different well known companies like trivago or the NH Hotel Group.

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