Our mission at Urban Campus goes far beyond the creation of coliving spaces. We are intent on building engaged, supportive communities where people can grow together. Urban Campus coliving spaces aren’t only residences, but also hubs of collaboration, networking and ideation for young professionals from all over the world. Our spaces are brimming with digital nomads, freelancers and entrepreneurs eager to embrace each other’s projects and interests. 

Urban Campus Cuatro Caminos, Madrid Coliving opened it’s doors in October 2022 with 150m2 of contemporarily-designed common space. The common spaces include a coworking area, patio, gym, event space, and kitchen. With so much space to enjoy, there is a natural sense of community and connection amongst colivers. The environment at the Cuatro Caminos coliving is close-knit and familial, with many Urban Campus events and organic plans happening every week. Curious to know more about the people living there? Keep reading to meet a few!

Meet Delia – Entrepreneur & Travel Enthusiast

Meet CC Community

Delia is a hard-working entrepreneur who runs her own SEO Marketing Business. Originally from Spain, she moved into our Cuatro Caminos coliving space right after it’s opening in October 2022. Delia was drawn to Urban Campus because she was looking for a community of like-minded entrepreneurs. Since she is a successful business owner, she wanted to be surrounded by ambitious people with their own goals and passions. She appreciates how among the mixture of business owners, freelancers and corporate workers in Cuatro Caminos, everyone shares a similar determined mindset.

Meet CC Community 1

The story of Delia’s entrepreneurial journey is inspiring. After working for many years in corporate marketing, she found herself at a cross-roads during the COVID-19 pandemic. With no job and no clear direction, she couldn’t help but feel pulled to create something of her own. She had always craved the autonomy of an entrepreneurial lifestyle, so she took a leap and started her own Rank&Rent business. Rank&Rent involves creating niche websites, ranking them #1 on google, and then renting them to local business owners. Now in it’s third year, Delia’s business is thriving and she is enjoying her lifestyle as a digital nomad. With all of her expertise, she is preparing to start a mentorship program that will help others achieve the same success and financial freedom through Rank&Rent SEO Marketing.

Beyond SEO Marketing, Delia has an affinity for travel. She has lived in different places all over the world, including 1 year in Switzerland and 2 years in Australia. She particularly loved her experience in Australia, spending time in both Sydney and on an island in the Great Barrier Reef. Being connected to the international community is important to Delia, and Urban Campus has been the perfect place to continue meeting people of all different backgrounds and nationalities.

Meet Pilar – Business Coach & Creative

Meet CC Community 2

Pilar grew up in Chile and worked as a psychologist before starting her own business. After many years spent in the psychology field, she ventured to Silicon Valley in the United States to study business, technology, and innovation. She immersed herself in the famously fast-paced work culture, and after progressing in her studies, felt inspired to explore business coaching. She wanted to help businesses improve their daily operations and work culture. This path also presented a unique opportunity for her to synthesize her background in psychology and her studies in innovation. She began coaching in San Francisco and never looked back. Now, she runs her own company coaching businesses and leaders from all over the world.

Meet CC Community 4

Pilar came to Madrid last year and was inspired to join Urban Campus so she could meet new people and connect with other business owners. Similar to Delia, she was eager to find a community of like-minded entrepreneurs. Urban Campus provided the collaborative environment Pilar was looking for, which helped spark her latest professional project. She is currently collaborating with another coliver to design a collection of physical intuition journals. These journals are focused on helping individuals navigate personal and business-related topics. Several themes include how to start your own business, navigating teamwork, and improving your personal relationships.

As a successful business owner, Pilar now has flexibility in her daily schedule to invest in her other passions. This includes playing the guitar, singing, and creating music, all things she is excited to spend more time doing. Urban Campus has helped Pilar find meaningful friendship and community, which has simplified her move to Madrid. She reflects that it is fantastic to have community events and common spaces where you easily connect with people, as this creates an authentic sense of home and belonging.

Meet Sofi – Business Owner & Journalist

Meet the Colivers of Cuatro Caminos 1

Sofi is a powerhouse entrepreneur who runs her own Advertising Agency. She grew up in Argentina and has always had a knack for freelancing, spending years gaining experience in copywriting, photography and journalism. She came to Spain in 2019 with a vision to culminate her strengths and launch her own Advertising Agency. By February 2020 she had her first client, and now her business has grown to include clients from all over the world. 

Within her agency, Sofi focuses largely on projects in the areas of human rights and ecology. These subjects are personal interests of hers, and as her own boss, she appreciates the freedom to embrace these passions in her work. Sofi is a lover of anything creative and is always exploring new outlets. One of her favorite projects is a Creative Workbook called “Art & Writing” that she created to help people renew their energy and find creative release. She also expresses herself through poetry, and frequents museums and cultural events to continue learning about the world around her. 

Sofi moved to our Cuatro Caminos coliving in March 2023, where she lives with her partner in a shared apartment. She moved to Madrid after spending 3 years in Barcelona and appreciated how easy the Urban Campus application process was. It was important for Sofi to find other creative people in the city, and Urban Campus became both a home and creative network for her. She now participates in a creative ideation group where colivers meet and give feedback on each other’s professional projects. You can also frequently find her in the Cuatro Caminos gym, where she enjoys doing yoga and centering herself.

Check out her website, LinkedIN and Instagram!


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Ren Bishop


Ren is our Social Media and Content Manager