On Wednesday, July 3rd, CMX Connect Madrid organized their third, and biggest yet, meet up at our Foodlab!

The meet up topic was ¨Building a thriving offline community¨, which really relates to Urban Campus core values. The conversation was led by Connect Host Cepee Tabibian – Founder of She Hit Refresh and the Madrid Blogger Network.

CMX Connect chose our Food Lab, thanks to the multi-functional space which enabled their attendees to network smoothly and helped Connect host Valentina to introduce CMX Connect, while everybody enjoyed craft beers provided by Cervezas La Cibeles Cervezas La Cibeles and sweet treats by Baked by Jeanne.

We were really happy to help CMX Connect Madrid to organize their event with us and we are looking forward to collaborate in the future!

Want to organize your event at our Foodlab? More Info

The measure of success for a coliving operator is when it can deliver a truly amazing housing experience to its residents.

El País came to visit our campuses in Madrid and interviewed some of our members to have a first hand testimonial about how Urban Campus has helped them to develop their personal or professional projects.

El País has also shown how Urban Campus is the pioneer in Madrid, being the first company to have two fully functioning coliving buildings and a community across town.

Read full article in Spanish here.

Urban Campus has opened a new state of the art coliving residence in the vibrant neighborhood of Malasaña in Madrid. It is composed of 36 units offering a range of housing options and ample common areas, designed to foster the community development and encourage members to meet and interact with each other.

The company opened its first coliving residence space in Madrid in 2018, and with this opening it has positioned itself as a leader in this city, keeping its commitment of growing its curious minds community.

Discover more about the space or book here.

Raphael Cytron, our Head of Campus Management Fr/Be, participated to a round table in Brussels about “How real estate developments impact the attractiveness of Brussels” organized by Logic-Immo.Be.

This round table proposed to put 3 elements into perspective: costs of real estate/land; the tipping over ownership to rental; the coliving and coworking phenomenon. It was a great opportunity to analyze how new usages are transforming the way we live together in cities.

“There is an evolution in the perception of housing. The inhabitants now think more in terms of the environment (campus model) than in terms of surface areas. At Urban Campus, members do not only value the quality of the apartment/studio, but rather what the entire building offers in terms of experience and community life. Private spaces are part of a whole, as are shared spaces and the animation of community life on campuses. Note that the community dimension is not pejorative. On the contrary, it is positive and inclusive, it is a factor of exchange and every exchange is beneficial! The shared residential offer we have in Madrid shows a population (22 > 40 years old) that is not in the pursuit of the student model but has brought about a change in mentality: access to housing is made more flexible while offering the possibility of joining a community. Let us add one last parameter: more than 50% of European urban dwellers live alone (single or couple without children); this model also makes it possible not to be “isolated”.”

Raphael Cytron, Head of Campus Management Fr/Be

Read the full transcript in French on Logic-immo.be here.